Sick of running alone? Need something to do Wednesday night? Come join us for the first of 3 in the Greenway 5k series that will be held the last Wednesday of the month for March, April and May, which will lead up to our annual June Pop Up Miles series. These events are FREE and open to all.
When? Wednesday, March 30 at 6pm (or run on your own). RSVP on Facebook!
Where? The race starts on the corner of Banbury Road and Churchill Road. You’ll run the “Banbury Track.” (Thanks for the tip, F3 Dads)
What is it? The Banbury Crit is the kickoff to the Greenway 5k series. While not officially on the greenway, the roadwork being done at the intersection of Banbury and Churchill made this hard to pass up, as there are no street crossings and each loop is approximately 958 meters. So the crit style course is flat and fast and built for personal bests. You’ll run it just over 5 times on the way to a smoking 5k!
While this is far from official, the course has been measured to USATF record eligible standards and we will have a clock at the start and the finish.

Where do I park? Your best bet would be to park near Banbury Park and jog over. The address for Banbury Park is 1614 Banbury Rd, Raleigh, NC 27607.
Where do I start? On the corner of Banbury and Churchill. The line is chalked out in blue. The Strava Route is here.

Where do I turn once I’ve started? There are only a few turns, just like a track. You’ll run counter-clockwise and go left on Lewis Farm, left on Nottingham, left on Leonard, and then left back onto Banbury. Each lap is approximately 958 meters.

Where do I finish? The “5k/Fin” marker a little over 200 meters past the initial start (after you’ve done 5 laps).

Where will I see the standings? Below, and here (Make sure you filter accordingly). Also, if you haven’t already, visit the Sir Walter Running Strava Club page (make sure and join, so that your marks count).
Trying to run the Fastest Lap? Results are here (and below):
Have questions? Let us know: [email protected]
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